In Denthumdas’ five years with TCNA, she has moved up the ranks and now leads Mobility Services – using data to make informed decisions and create new technologies that can improve customer experience. From sensor data to help customers can learn about their vehicle health, to Generative AI that leads to deeper customer engagement at auto shows to tools that make EV ownership more seamless – these are just a few examples of what her teams have created.
One partner in a larger ecosystem of Toyota companies, Denthumdas has been keen to demonstrate TCNA’s value across all companies. The Mobility team has engaged with Lexus Marketing for Generative AI-created digital art for auto show guests or working and corporate fleet operators to implement a more accurate fuel-gauge detection in order to maximize revenue for rental vehicles, among many other services.
More than bringing any data-driven disciplines together, though, what Denthumdas has enjoyed is bringing people together. She co-founded TCNA’s Women in Technology group in 2022 to provide young, female engineers with mentorship, leadership coaching and a platform to grow and shine in roles within Toyota. Her efforts have spread to other Toyota companies as well as local schools.
Denthumdas loves her Texas roots and wants to continue building her community in the DFW Metroplex to help cultivate and nurture talent and keep it strong as more tech-forward opportunities arise for software engineers in the area.
Denthumdas recently celebrated her “40 Under 40” recognition with family, friends and colleagues in Dallas, alongside the 39 other recipients.
More information can be found here: 40 Under 40 Awards - Dallas Business Journal (bizjournals.com)